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Big Ideas Math Blue Answer Key Puzzle Time 81

Chapter 1: Solving Equations (pp. i - 45) expand

whiteboard border

  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You Learned Before (p. ane)
  • Solving Uncomplicated Equations (pp. 2 - 9)
  • 1.2: Solving Multi-Step Equations (pp. 10 - fifteen)
  • 1.three: Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides (pp. 16 - 21)
  • 1.3b: Solutions of Linear Equations (pp. 21A - 21B)
  • Study Assistance (p. 22)
  • Quiz ane.ane - i.3 (p. 23)
  • 1.iv: Rewriting Equations and Formulas (pp. 24 - 29)
  • 1.5: Converting Units of Mensurate (pp. thirty - 37)
  • Quiz 1.iv - i.five (p. 38)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 39 - 41)
  • Affiliate Test (p. 42)
  • Standardized Test Exercise (pp. 43 - 45)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Chapter i: Give-and-take Search

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: i.ane

  • Case 1: Solving Equations Using Addition or Subtraction: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Solving Equations Using Multiplication or Division: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance iii: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case four: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: one.2

  • Example 1: Solving a Two-Step Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Combining Like Terms to Solve an Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Using the Distributive Property to Solve an Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 4: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: i.3

  • Case one: Solving an Equation with Variables on Both Sides: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Using the Distributive Property to Solve an Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 3: Standardized Exam Do: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iv: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 1.3b

  • Example i: Solving Equations with No Solution: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Solving Equations with Infinitely Many Solutions: Video Quicktime Video

Section: ane.iv

  • Example 1: Rewriting an Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 2: Rewriting a Formula: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Rewriting the Temperature Formula: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 1.five

  • Case ane: Converting Between Systems: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Converting a Rate: Changing One Unit of measurement: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Converting a Speed: Changing Both Units: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example four: Converting Units for Area: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 5: Converting Units for Volume: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter i

Progress Check expand

  • Affiliate 1.i - i.3 Quiz
  • Chapter 1.four - 1.5 Quiz

Exam Do expand

  • Chapter ane

Spanish Affiliate Reviews expand

  • Chapter 1

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 1.1: Angles of a Triangle
  • Section 1.2: Activity 2
  • Department ane.2: Angles of a Triangle
  • Section ane.3: TE Interactive Scale
  • Department 1.v: Unit Converter

Record and Practise Journal Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Chapter 2: Graphing Linear Equations and Linear Systems (pp. 46 - 103) expand

whiteboard border

  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You Learned Before (pp. 46 - 47)
  • ii.1: Graphing Linear Equations (pp. 48 - 53)
  • 2.ii: Slope of a Line (pp. 54 - 61)
  • 2.2b: Triangles and Gradient (pp. 61A - 61B)
  • 2.iii: Graphing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Course (pp. 62 - 67)
  • two.4: Graphing Linear Equations in Standard Course (pp. 68 - 73)
  • Written report Aid (p. 74)
  • Quiz 2.1 - 2.4 (p. 75)
  • ii.5: Systems of Linear Equations (pp. 76 - 81)
  • ii.6: Special Systems of Linear Equations (pp. 82 - 87)
  • 2.vii: Solving Equations by Graphing (pp. 88 - 93)
  • Quiz 2.5 - ii.7 (p. 94)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 95 - 99)
  • Chapter Test (p. 100)
  • Standardized Test Do (pp. 101 - 103)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Chapter 2: Crossword Puzzle

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: 2.ane

  • Case 1: Graphing a Linear Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance ii: Graphing a Horizontal Line: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Existent-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 2.2

  • Example 1: Finding the Gradient of a Line: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 2: Finding the Gradient of a Horizontal Line: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Finding Gradient from a Table: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example four: Finding Parallel Lines: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 2.2b

  • Example 1: Identifying Similar Right Triangles: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Using Similar Triangles to Discover Gradient: Video Quicktime Video

Section: ii.three

  • Example 1: Identifying Slopes and y -Intercepts: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Graphing a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 2.4

  • Case 1: Graphing a Linear Equation in Standard Grade: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Graphing a Linear Equation in Standard Form: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 2.5

  • Example one: Solving a System of Linear Equations Using a Table: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Solving a System of Linear Equations Using a Graph: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Solving a System of Linear Equations Algebraically: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 2.half dozen

  • Case 1: Solving a Special Organization of Linear Equations: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Solving a Special Organization of Linear Equations: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Solving a Special Arrangement of Linear Equations: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 2.7

  • Instance ane: Solving an Equation Using a Graph: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter 2

Progress Check expand

  • Affiliate - 2.four Quiz
  • Chapter 2.5 - 2.7 Quiz

Exam Practice expand

  • Chapter 2

Spanish Affiliate Reviews expand

  • Chapter 2

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 2.ane: Coordinate Aeroplane
  • Section two.2: Linear Graph Tool
  • Section 2.3: Coordinate Plane
  • Section 2.iv: Coordinate Plane
  • Section 2.5: System of Equations
  • Section 2.6: Organization of Equations
  • Section 2.vii: System of Equations

Record and Practice Journal Colour Manipulatives expand

  • Cutting Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Chapter iii: Writing Linear Equations and Linear Systems (pp. 104 - 145) expand

whiteboard border

  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You lot Learned Earlier (pp. 104 - 105)
  • 3.i: Writing Equations in Slope-Intercept Course (pp. 106 - 111)
  • iii.two: Writing Equations Using a Gradient and a Indicate (pp. 112 - 117)
  • 3.3: Writing Equations Using Two Points (pp. 118 - 123)
  • Report Help (p. 124)
  • Quiz iii.1 - 3.iii (p. 125)
  • 3.4: Solving Existent-Life Problems (pp. 126 - 131)
  • 3.5: Writing Systems of Linear Equations (pp. 132 - 137)
  • Quiz 3.iv - 3.5 (p. 138)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 139 - 141)
  • Chapter Exam (p. 142)
  • Standardized Test Practice (pp. 143 - 145)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Chapter 3: Word Search

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: 3.i

  • Instance i: Writing Equations in Gradient-Intercept Form: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Standardized Examination Do: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 3.2

  • Case 1: Writing Equations Using a Slope and a Point: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Existent-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 3.3

  • Example 1: Writing Equations Using 2 Points: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 3.iv

  • Example i: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Existent-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: three.five

  • Instance one: Writing a Arrangement of Linear Equations: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Standardized Test Exercise: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Writing a Organisation of Linear Equations: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter 3

Progress Bank check expand

  • Chapter 3.1 - 3.three Quiz
  • Chapter three.4 - 3.5 Quiz

Test Exercise expand

  • Chapter iii

Castilian Affiliate Reviews expand

  • Chapter iii

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 3.2: Coordinate Plane
  • Section 3.3: Coordinate Airplane
  • Section 3.4: Coordinate Airplane
  • Section 3.v: System of Equations

Record and Practice Journal Colour Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • four-Step Program
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Affiliate 4: Functions (pp. 146 - 181) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You Learned Before (pp. 146 - 147)
  • iv.1: Domain and Range of a Role (pp. 148 - 153)
  • 4.2: Detached and Continuous Domains (pp. 154 - 159)
  • Report Assistance (p. 160)
  • Quiz four.1 - 4.ii (p. 161)
  • 4.3: Linear Function Patterns (pp. 162 - 167)
  • 4.four: Comparison Linear and Nonlinear Functions (pp. 168 - 173)
  • 4.4b: Comparing Rates (pp. 173A - 173B)
  • Quiz 4.3 - 4.4 (p. 174)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 175 - 177)
  • Affiliate Test (p. 178)
  • Standardized Test Exercise (pp. 179 - 181)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Chapter 4: Crossword Puzzle

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: 4.1

  • Case 1: Finding Domain and Range from a Graph: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case ii: Finding the Range of a Part: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example three: Existent-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 4.2

  • Example 1: Graphing Discrete Information: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Graphing Continuous Information: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Standardized Test Do: Video Quicktime Video

Section: iv.iii

  • Example ane: Finding a Linear Office Using a Graph: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Finding a Linear Function Using a Table: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 4.iv

  • Example 1: Identifying Functions from Tables: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Identifying Functions from Graphs: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Standardized Exam Practise: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example four: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 4.4b

  • Example 1: Comparing Proportional Relationships: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case ii: Comparison Functions: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter 4

Progress Check expand

  • Chapter - 4.2 Quiz
  • Chapter 4.3 - 4.4 Quiz

Exam Exercise expand

  • Chapter 4

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Chapter 4

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 4.1: Function Machine
  • Section four.ane: Arrangement of Equations
  • Department 4.ii: Organization of Equations
  • Section 4.iii: Organisation of Equations
  • Section 4.iv: Organisation of Equations

Record and Practice Journal Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • four-Stride Program
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Newspaper

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Chapter 5: Angles and Similarity (pp. 182 - 227) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You lot Learned Before (pp. 182 - 183)
  • Classifying Angles (pp. 184 - 189)
  • 5.2: Angles and Sides of Triangles (pp. 190 - 195)
  • 5.3: Angles of Polygons (pp. 196 - 203)
  • Written report Assist (p. 204)
  • Quiz 5.1 - 5.3 (p. 205)
  • 5.4: Using Similar Triangles (pp. 206 - 211)
  • 5.5: Parallel Lines and Transversals (pp. 212 - 219)
  • Quiz 5.four - 5.5 (p. 220)
  • Quiz 5.4 - 5.5 (p. 220)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 221 - 223)
  • Chapter Test (p. 224)
  • Standardized Test Practice (pp. 225 - 227)

Online Book

Vocabulary Assist expand

  • Affiliate 5: Word Search

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: 5.1

  • Instance 1: Classifying Pairs of Angles: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Finding Angle Measures: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 5.two

  • Example i: Finding Angle Measures: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Finding Angle Measures: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 5.3

  • Example one: Finding the Sum of the Bending Measures of a Polygon: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Finding an Angle Measure of a Polygon: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 3: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example four: Identifying Convex and Concave Polygons: Video Quicktime Video

Section: five.iv

  • Example 1: Identifying Similar Triangles: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Using Indirect Measurement: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 5.five

  • Example one: Finding Angle Measures: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Using Respective Angles: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Identifying Alternate Interior and Alternate Exterior Angles: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter five

Progress Check expand

  • Affiliate 5.i - 5.3 Quiz
  • Chapter 5.four - 5.5 Quiz

Test Practice expand

  • Affiliate five

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Chapter 5

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 5.1: Angle Explorer
  • Department five.1: System of Equations
  • Department 5.3: Angle Measures of a Polygon
  • Section 5.3: Coordinate Aeroplane
  • Section five.v: Parallel Line Explorer

Record and Practice Periodical Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Chapter 6: Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 228 - 271) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What Yous Learned Before (pp. 228 - 229)
  • half-dozen.1: Finding Foursquare Roots (pp. 230 - 235)
  • 6.2: The Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 236 - 241)
  • Study Help (p. 242)
  • Quiz - 6.2 (p. 243)
  • 6.iii: Approximating Square Roots (pp. 244 - 251)
  • 6.3b: Existent Numbers (pp. 251A - 251B)
  • 6.4: Simplifying Square Roots (pp. 252 - 257)
  • 6.5: Using the Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 258 - 263)
  • Quiz 6.3 - 6.5 (p. 264)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 265 - 267)
  • Chapter Exam (p. 268)
  • Standardized Test Exercise (pp. 269 - 271)

Online Book

Vocabulary Assistance expand

  • Chapter 6: Crossword Puzzle

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: 6.i

  • Case 1: Finding Square Roots of a Perfect Square: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Finding Square Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example three: Evaluating Expressions Involving Square Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: half-dozen.2

  • Instance 1: Finding the Length of a Hypotenuse: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Finding the Length of a Leg: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 3: Standardized Test Do: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 6.3

  • Instance 1: Classifying Existent Numbers: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 2: Approximating Square Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Comparing Real Numbers: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iv: Approximating an Expression: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 5: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 6.3b

  • Case ane: Finding Cube Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Solving an Equation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance iii: Estimating a Foursquare Root: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 6.4

  • Example i: Adding and Subtracting Foursquare Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Simplifying Square Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 3: Simplifying Foursquare Roots: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iv: Finding a Book: Video Quicktime Video

Section: six.v

  • Example i: Finding a Distance in a Coordinate Plane: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 2: Existent-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Identifying a Correct Triangle: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter half dozen

Progress Check expand

  • Chapter - 6.2 Quiz
  • Affiliate vi.three - 6.five Quiz

Examination Practice expand

  • Chapter 6

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Affiliate half dozen

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section vi.1: Coordinate Aeroplane
  • Department half-dozen.1: Square Root Calculator
  • Section vi.3: Square Root Calculator
  • Section 6.5: Pythagorean Theorem Explorer

Record and Do Journal Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Stride Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Chapter seven: Data Analysis and Displays (pp. 272 - 309) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You lot Learned Before (pp. 272 - 273)
  • 7.1: Measures of Central Tendency (pp. 274 - 279)
  • seven.2: Box-and-Whisker Plots (pp. 280 - 285)
  • Written report Help (p. 286)
  • Quiz 7.1 - 7.2 (p. 287)
  • Quiz 7.iii - 7.four (p. 302)
  • Affiliate Review (pp. 303 - 305)
  • Chapter Exam (p. 306)
  • Standardized Examination Practice (pp. 307 - 309)
  • 7.3: Scatter Plots and Lines of All-time Fit (pp. 288 - 295)
  • 7.3b: Two-Way Tables (pp. 295A - 295B)
  • 7.iv: Choosing a Data Display (pp. 296 - 301)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Affiliate seven: Word Search

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: vii.ane

  • Example i: Finding the Hateful, Median, and Manner: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Removing an Outlier: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Changing the Values of a Data Ready: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 7.2

  • Example i: Making a Box-and-Whisker Plot: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Interpreting a Box-and-Whisker Plot: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video

Department: seven.3

  • Instance ane: Interpreting a Scatter Plot: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 2: Identifying a Relationship: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Finding a Line of All-time Fit: Video Quicktime Video

Department: seven.3b

  • Instance 1: Interpreting a 2-Mode Tabular array: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Finding a Relationship in a Two-Way Tabular array: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 7.4

  • Example 1: Choosing an Advisable Data Display: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Identifying a Misleading Information Display: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Analyzing a Misleading Data Display: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter 7

Progress Check expand

  • Affiliate vii.1 - 7.2 Quiz
  • Affiliate 7.3 - seven.4 Quiz

Examination Practice expand

  • Chapter seven

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Chapter 7

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section 7.ane: Movable Coins
  • Section seven.2: Box-and-Whisker Plot
  • Section seven.iii: Besprinkle Plot

Record and Practise Periodical Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Footstep Plan
  • Fiscal Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Newspaper

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Affiliate eight: Linear Inequalities (pp. 310 - 347) expand

whiteboard border

  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You lot Learned Earlier (pp. 310 - 311)
  • 8.1: Writing and Graphing Inequalities (pp. 312 - 317)
  • eight.2: Solving Inequalities Using Addition or Subtraction (pp. 318 - 323)
  • Study Assist (p. 324)
  • Quiz eight.1 - 8.ii (p. 325)
  • 8.3: Solving Inequalities Using Multiplication or Division (pp. 326 - 333)
  • eight.iv: Solving Multi-Footstep Inequalities (pp. 334 - 339)
  • Quiz viii.3 - 8.4 (p. 340)
  • Chapter Review (pp. 341 - 343)
  • Affiliate Test (p. 344)
  • Standardized Test Practice (pp. 345 - 347)

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Chapter eight: Crossword Puzzle

Lesson Tutorials expand

Department: 8.1

  • Instance 1: Writing an Inequality: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Checking Solutions: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Graphing an Inequality: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 8.2

  • Example one: Solving an Inequality Using Addition: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 2: Solving an Inequality Using Subtraction: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 3: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Section: eight.three

  • Example 1: Solving an Inequality Using Multiplication: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Solving an Inequality Using Division: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example three: Solving an Inequality Using Multiplication: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Solving an Inequality Using Division: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Chapter viii

Progress Bank check expand

  • Chapter 8.1 - 8.2 Quiz
  • Chapter viii.3 - 8.4 Quiz

Exam Practise expand

  • Affiliate 8

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Chapter 8

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section Inequality Explorer
  • Section 8.ane: Triangle Inequality Explorer
  • Section 8.ii: Quarterback Passing Efficiency
  • Section viii.4: Inequality Explorer

Tape and Practice Periodical Colour Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

whiteboard bottom border

Chapter nine: Exponents and Scientific Annotation (pp. 348 - 395) expand

whiteboard border

  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You Learned Earlier (pp. 348 - 349)
  • 9.1: Exponents (pp. 350 - 355)
  • nine.two: Product of Powers Belongings (pp. 356 - 361)
  • 9.3: Caliber of Powers Property (pp. 362 - 367)
  • Written report Help (p. 368)
  • Quiz 9.1 - 9.3 (p. 369)
  • 9.4: Goose egg and Negative Exponents (pp. 370 - 375)
  • 9.5: Reading Scientific Annotation (pp. 376 - 381)
  • 9.6: Writing Scientific Annotation (pp. 382 - 387)
  • nine.6b: Scientific Note (pp. 387A - 387B)
  • Quiz nine.4 - 9.half dozen (p. 388)
  • Affiliate Review (pp. 389 - 391)
  • Chapter Test (p. 392)
  • Standardized Exam Do (pp. 393 - 395)

Online Book

Vocabulary Assist expand

  • Chapter 9: Word Search

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: nine.1

  • Case 1: Writing Expressions Using Exponents: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example ii: Evaluating Expressions: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Using Social club of Operations: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 9.2

  • Example one: Multiplying Powers with the Same Base of operations: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Raising a Ability to a Power: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example three: Raising a Product to a Power: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case iv: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video

Department: 9.three

  • Case 1: Dividing Powers with the Same Base: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Simplifying an Expression: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case iii: Simplifying an Expression: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iv: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 9.4

  • Case 1: Evaluating Expressions: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Simplifying Expressions: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 3: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Department: ix.5

  • Example 1: Identifying Numbers Written in Scientific Annotation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Writing Numbers in Standard Form: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Comparing Numbers in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Real-Life Awarding: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 9.6

  • Example one: Writing Large Numbers in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Writing Small Numbers in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 3: Standardized Test Practice: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Multiplying Numbers in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video

Department: nine.6b

  • Example 1: Adding Numbers Written in Scientific Note: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance 2: Subtracting Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Dividing Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 4: Real-Life Application: Video Quicktime Video

Graphic Organizer expand

  • Affiliate 9

Progress Check expand

  • Chapter 9.ane - nine.iii Quiz
  • Chapter nine.4 - Quiz

Examination Practice expand

  • Chapter 9

Spanish Chapter Reviews expand

  • Affiliate 9

Interactive Activities expand

  • Department 9.1: Exponent Generator

Record and Do Journal Colour Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Additional Topics : (pp. 396 - 403) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • What You Learned Before (pp. 396 - 397)
  • one: Transformations (pp. 398 - 401)
  • 2: Volume (pp. 402 - 403)

Online Book

Lesson Tutorials expand

Section: i

  • Example 1: Translating a Figure: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Reflecting a Figure: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case three: Rotating a Figure: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case iv: Dilating a Figure: Video Quicktime Video

Section: 2

  • Example 1: Finding the Volume of a Cylinder and a Cone: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Finding the Book of a Sphere: Video Quicktime Video

Record and Practice Journal Colour Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Program
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Appendix A: My Big Ideas Projects (pp. A1 - A9) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • A.1: Literature Projection (pp. A2 - A3)
  • A.2: History Project (pp. A4 - A5)
  • A.iii: Art Project (pp. A6 - A7)
  • A.iv: Science Project (pp. A8 - A9)

Online Book

Record and Practice Journal Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • four-Step Plan
  • Fiscal Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

Support Links expand

  • Swiss Family unit Robinson: PDF   Audio

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Appendix B: Fiscal Literacy (Online Only) expand

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  • e-books
  • Help With Homework
  • B.1: Simple and Chemical compound Interest
  • B.two: Formula for Compound Interest
  • B.3: Installment Loans
  • B.4: Checking Accounts
  • Report Assistance
  • Quiz B.1 - B.4
  • B.5: Credit Cards
  • B.half-dozen: Payroll Deductions
  • Quiz B.5 - B.6
  • Chapter Review
  • Affiliate Test

Online Book

Vocabulary Help expand

  • Appendix B: Crossword Puzzle

Lesson Tutorials expand

Department: B.ane

  • Instance one: Comparing Simple Involvement Accounts: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example two: Calculating Compound Interest: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example iii: Comparison Simple and Compound Interest: Video Quicktime Video

Section: B.2

  • Example 1: Finding an Account Residuum: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Finding a Principal: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case iii: Choosing an Account: Video Quicktime Video

Section: B.3

  • Case i: Paying Involvement on a Loan: Video Quicktime Video
  • Instance two: Paying a Mortgage: Video Quicktime Video

Section: B.4

  • Instance 1: Completing a Checkbook Registry: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case ii: Choosing a Checking Account: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example three: Finding a Bad Check: Video Quicktime Video

Department: B.5

  • Example ane: Analyzing a Credit Card Transaction: Video Quicktime Video
  • Case 2: Paying a Credit Card Bill: Video Quicktime Video

Section: B.6

  • Case 1: Reading a Payroll Statement: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 2: Analyzing a Payroll Statement: Video Quicktime Video
  • Example 3: Finding Tax Percents: Video Quicktime Video

Progress Check expand

  • Appendex B.1 - B.4 Quiz
  • Appendex B.5 - B.6 Quiz

Test Do expand

  • Appendix B

Spanish Affiliate Reviews expand

  • Appendix B

Interactive Activities expand

  • Section B.1: Compound Interest Computer
  • Section B.1: Simple Interest Calculator
  • Department B.2: Compound Interest Calculator

Record and Practise Journal Color Manipulatives expand

  • Cut Outs

Math Tool Paper expand

  • 4-Step Plan
  • Financial Literacy and Maps
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Number Lines
  • Functions and Coordinate Graphs
  • Geometry
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Manipulatives
  • Measurement
  • Paper

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Photo Credits (p. A51)

Selected Answers (pp. A10 - A35)

Student Alphabetize (pp. A37 - A50)

Scavenger Hunt
