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How to Get Rid of Acne for Oily Skin

If you're a big fan of clean beauty, then one of the best ways to know what's in your lotions and potions is to mix them up yourself.

And while most of us know about mixing sugar with Vaseline will make a great lip scrub, you might not know that ingredients like honey or orange peel can be used to create home remedies for acne, to help treat skin that's keen on breaking out.

WH spoke to the experts, so that you can knock up their favourite recipes. Clear skin on the cheap, sorted.

But first: A word of warning on home remedies for acne prone skin

Nazan Schnapp, founder of luxe natual beauty brand Nazan Schnapp Skincare advises, 'Be aware of the quality of whatever you are applying to your skin.When using natural products, I always recommend doing your research and buying the best quality.

It might cost a bit more but, in the long run, you get what you pay for and the return on investment is worth it.'

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Home remedies for acne

1.Use orange peel

Sanela Lazic, founder of natural skincare brand Saint Iris Adriatica, says, 'The peel of an orange is packed full of antioxidants, which also have antibacterial properties that stop spots from forming. It can also work to reduce pain and swelling of pimples.'

'Use it fresh and rub it all over the affected area. Making sure you use a clean piece for each section of acne to stop any bacteria transfer', says Sanela.

More time on your hands? Make yourself a potent treatment by drying the skin and grinding it down to form a powder.

Sanela advises, 'Once in powdered form you mix it with warm water to form a paste and then apply it over the affected area. Leave on for a few minutes and then wash off with cool water to tighten pores.'

Want someone to do it for you? Saint Iris Adriatic Everybody Wake Up Drops contain orange and fermented lemon peel.

Saint Iris Adriatica Wake-up Droplets

2. Mix up some thyme

'Another great kitchen larder staple is thyme as it has great antibacterial properties and can also help to heal the skin, scars and wounds', says Sanela.

'Grind or finely chop fresh thyme (dried is ok but fresh is better) then mix with pure witch hazel oil to create the perfect acne overnight treatment.

Note: Once mixed together leave it for a while to let it steep before draining to use.

Then apply to the affected area and let it get to work while you snooze.

3. Get friendly with hemp seed oil

Sanela says her third and final favourite is, 'Hemp seed oil. It is brilliant as it helps keep the sebum balanced without clogging the pores' and you will find this in most supermarkets.

Apply it as your last skincare step and massage it into the skin.

Biona Organic Hemp Seed Oil 250 ml (Pack of 2)

4. Try camomile and linden blossom tea

Schnapp says, 'Cooled Camomile tea bags or, even better, Linden Blossom tea bags, will help to soothe the skin.' Simply press on to the pimples to reduce swelling and redness.

I use wild crafted blue tansy which is also known as Moroccan chamomile, in my Celestine Azulene Facial Oil. It's an incredible anti-inflammatory that is blue in colour and famous for fighting against eczema and helps soothe and reduce redness and blemishes so great for acne prone skin.

Nazan Schnapp Celestine Azulene Facial Oil

5. Play with turmeric

'Turmeric has many wonderful benefits for our bodies and our skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants' says Nazan.

However, you need to tread carefully with this spice as it stains just about everything. So you need to be aware that applying it to your skin may result in a temporary yellow stain. For that reason you should never leave it on your skin for longer than 20-mins.

Here is a home recipe from Dr Axe using turmeric and honey (which is also great for acne prone skin)

  1. Add half teaspoon turmeric powder and one tablespoon of honey to sufficient warm water in a bowl.
  2. Mix the contents well with a spoon.
  3. Take care not to add too much or too little water. The consistency of the paste should be just enough to make it stick to your face and not drip.
  4. Apply the paste on your skin after it cools down.
  5. Leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes and wash your face with water, preferably warm.

    6. Be sweet with honey

    We have a lot to thank those little bees for, as honey is not just a delicious and natural sweetener, it can also be used topically on our skin to help heal and cleanse our complexion.

    It is an antimicrobial, an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant which makes it superb at naturally treating acne as it not just helps kill bacteria, it also helps the skin to heal and prevents acne scarring.

    Apply it to your skin for 15-20 mins to help reduce swelling and kill germs.

    Waitrose Australian blossom honey

    7. Experiment with apple cider vinegar

    'Due to its antibacterial properties Apple Cider Vinegar is great for spot treating, says Nazan, 'It can also balance the skin's pH if used as a toner.

    Just apply a splash on to a cotton pad and smooth over the skin.

    And make sure you buy a raw and organic apple cider vinegar – not the stuff you splash on your fish and chips.'

    For a great soothing, gentle and effective DIY mask, mix ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of honey or aloe vera gel.'

    'Then leave on clean skin for 15 mins and rinse off. Voila, skin is left purified, cleansed, calm and de-congested.'

    8. Yes, we are going to tell you to drink more water

    'Everyone and their mother has told you time and again to drink plenty of water, but we just don't seem to do it enough', says Nazan.

    'Water is essential not only in flushing out toxins which can lead to blemishes, but it also promotes your skin and every other organ in your body to function properly.'

    'If you don't like plain water, why not infuse it. Hot water with a slice of lemon really kick starts the body from the inside out and starting the morning with a cup of this tonic can really help flush out toxins that can cause problem skin.'

    9. Soothe your skin with Aloe Vera

    Nazan says, 'If you can get your hands on an Aloe Vera leaf, the gel inside is a miracle worker. It will soothe, cool, reduce inflammation and help repair the skin.'

    No plant in sight? Try natural aloe vera gel instead.

    Dr Organic Aloe Vera Gel 200ml

    At home acne remedies: oils to avoid

    We love natural oils, but not all of them benefit our skin. 'Oils contain fatty acids, which in certain amounts can clog your pores and even encourage acne', say the Clean Beauty Insiders.

    However this doesn't mean everyone should avoid oils as some skins will love how they seal moisture and nutrients into the skin.

    These are the 3 oils that the Clean Beauty Insiders say to avoid.

    Coconut oil

    'Albeit being arguably famous as a 'flag bearer' for natural beauty, coconut oil is much better kept on your body and away from your face as it's highly comedogenic (pore-clogging), especially when used on oilier skin types. It may work well for those with drier skin, but we say: better safe than sorry.'

    Avocado oil

    Avocado oil is rich in "oleic" fatty acids. Like coconut oil, it's a dark oil, making it highly dense, likely to block pores and irritate acne-prone skin. Acne suffers with drier skin may find it helpful, but personally we can think of other oils that would treat us better. Swiping right on this one.

    Cocoa butter

    This ingredient is a popular one in the world of DIY beauty, but while it can be incredibly moisturising and nourishing for your body, its high density translates to – that's right – clogged pores, breakouts and just general nightmares when applied on the delicate skin of your face.

    Beauty Contributor All about beauty, Lydia House has been writing about creams and complexions for over a decade.

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    How to Get Rid of Acne for Oily Skin
